Our Vision...

is to help all peoples of Asian backgrounds achieve successful settlement and a quality of life in Australia.

Our values

The respect, dignity and privacy due to all individuals.

Our services

Accessibility to our services, including integrated services that are coordinated and respond to needs.


Transparent and good governance.


Professional and ethical service, including equitable, non-judgemental and non-discriminatory service provision.

Our promise

Accountable and responsible care of the community.

We provide

Reliable, efficient and effective services, as well as advocacy for those who are disempowered.

For over two decades

We have been helping more than 10,000 people

The Mission of Auburn Asian Welfare Centre is to provide a platform for those migrating from Asian countries to settle successfully into the mainstream.It aims to provide services and programs that empower individuals and groups of the community to participate in all aspects of Australia’s multicultural and diverse Australia. AAWC aims to provide a leading role in the Asian community within the Auburn LGA, so that people within the community have an improved quality of life, access to appropriate services and a coordinated response to community issues.

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Total number of attendances for our social programs in 2014....

Social Vogue Dance Group
English Language
Tai Chi Group
Chinese Opera & Singing Group

How we help

Provide Community Activities

AAWC offers a range of centre based activities suitable for people of all ages. These include language classes, interest classes and social group activities.

Provide Knowledge

We are able to provide information and assistance to individuals that are in need.

Offer help

We offer advice to people that are having difficulties in their lives.

Emergency Relief Service

Based on assessment, we are able to help people deal with their immediate financial crisis situation in a way that maintains the dignity of the individual and encourages self-reliance.

Peace Concert 2015

Peace has became a concern to all Australians after the horrific incident occurred in Martin Place and also the unrest happening around the world. This is our latest project to advocate peace and help bring unity to Australia as one country, where people can live in peace and harmony. Get involved and sponsor us now!

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